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Showing posts from December, 2012

Am Grateful Still, 2012!

This year has been a series of one unfortunate thing after another for me. I don't know if this is sort of some psychosomatic effect from my pessimistic view of this year. Maybe subconsciously the film 2012 has taken root and sprouted evil malicious vines inside my head and heart. Hahaha. Or maybe I simply had a bad year. Darn fates. Hehehe. But no, I shouldn't shift all the blame on some overly sensationalized film with over-the-top special effects but little plot... or to some other unknown entity, should I? I probably should put some of the blame on my diminutive shoulders. Nobody forced me to take this or that particular road or highway... or make this or that bad decision, after all. :P However, despite all the bad things that happened to me this year... not to mention that really unfortunate and partly anger-inducing accident that I've chosen to erase from my memory forever... there are also good, nay great, things that I got or gained this year. I learned a lo...

I miss you, Little Bug!

Just saw recent photos of this cutie pie. And she still is a cutie pie, even though she has grown quite big now. Our Cute Big Girl. ^_^ Miss you mucho, mucho! Hope I could cuddle you again soon, Cutie Chuck! :D

The Amazons

Originally posted on June 20, 2007 Amazon women, that's the most apt description I can think of, of the women in my mother's side of the family.  Out of the six sisters my mother has, only one was ever beat up by her husband. But even that particular aunt fought back in the end.  Then in the generation after them, meaning 'us', none of the girls were ever beat up by a boy. Even little old pathetically-sized me. And whenever our families find time to get together, every one has funny stories about misadventures in which some female in our clan was the lead star. Some of them may have been embellished to make them sound more heroic than they really were. But, more or less, the main plots and characters are true. Or so they say.  Here are some of them. Ate Ellen , a first degree cousin, got angry with her father-in-law about something and got so frustrated that she went to her kitchen and came out with a 'sundang'[a really big bolo knife]. She then proceeded t...