Originally Posted on October 31, 2007
I just had an epiphany earlier this week. More and more people suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder these days. It's as if people are suddenly desperately craving for attention that they would do the silliest things just to make people notice them, just to get people to look their way. I personally know a few people who behave like this. They seem forever restless. It's like they're deathly afraid to pass even a second of having the attention of nobody. They crave so much for it that they fall short of actually accosting you physically just to get you to notice them. I'm painting rather pitiful pictures of these beings, am I not? But I'm serious. I really do know people like these.
I'm quite curious. Do they fear the possibility of experiencing obscurity for a few measly minutes or hours? Why is that? What is so scary about experiencing seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks of being unnoticed? I personally feel it would be so cool to be invisible once in a while. To be able to do something and not be held accountable for it. To scream at the top of your lungs without having to worry if you're going to disturb the person sitting next to you. To make silly faces without being afraid of what others may think of your sanity. Wouldn't it be great fun to do any of those without needing to think of other people's reactions?
However, I'm not saying you should aim to go through life unnoticed. No siree! It would also be nice to do something that others might consider great and be recognized for it. Infamy has its own benefits after all. But aiming to become popular for doing silly inconsequential things 24-7 is just plain pathetic. I personally believe that your every thought and action should be worth something. Well, it is all right to be silly sometimes because having a laugh once in a while is good for the soul. But you should make most of your days count for something, not just for any silly sort of "infamy". Am I being too serious? I just feel a little bothered about this realization… that is all.
Pardon me for being my boring old self today.
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