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The Real Deal about Truth and Freedom

For the past few weeks, I have been fortunate enough to stick to the routine of reading a verse from the Bible every morning and reflecting on its message. It has been wonderfully enlightening, to say the least. 

Last Wednesday, this was the verse that greeted me when I opened my Bible app... 

If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. 

 ~ John 8:36 

To say that I was stunned is an understatement... but then, I shouldn't have been. Ever since I can remember, whenever I'm struggling with some ethical or moral dilemma, I always get an epiphany of the answer. In my youthful pride, I thought "Wow, I'm brilliant." Not knowing it was not actually me but God who was guiding me to the answers. It took me a while to realize this and thankfully when I became an adult, I did. This time was one of them.

You see, I was struggling. Four months and still counting, my father and I have been forced to endure each other's company for weeks on end. Outside, I was acting like nothing's changed but inside I was about to scream bloody murder. Days felt like a prison and nights, with its monotony and seemingly endless quality, were definitely no better. 

So yes, I felt constricted and trapped... and have been posting "Freedom" posters in IG. But when I read this passage, it reminded me of Jesus' great promise when He died on the cross for me. He is not only my salvation, but He was, still is, and always will be my ultimate truth. And as the old saying goes, "The truth will set you free." 


  • Jesus Christ is our great Redeemer, our only salvation from sin. To have faith in Him is vital to our existence. 
  • The bondage of sin is real, whether we acknowledge it or not. And sin may seem like it promises us freedom... from restrictions and consequences but the truth is those are lies. What sin does is control and corrupt you. Remember, Satan seduces us to sin, and he is the Father of lies. And the only way to be free from the enslavement of sin is to put our faith in Jesus Christ, to accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
  • Jesus Christ and the freedom He offers are the only truth that matters. He is the only one who can give us true freedom. Jesus said in John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man can come to the Father but by me. So those who put their faith in Christ, the one and only source of spiritual truth and freedom are the only ones who are truly free.

I am a work in progress, I recognize this and am keeping at it. And with God's help, I'll definitely persevere. Aja! ^_^


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