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A blessed month... this one we call January

Many of my friends and some of my family were born this month. I do not exactly know if they were born on gloomy or sunlit days. But I do know this, my world has been made more beautiful because they were. More specifically, four of my most favorite people in the world were January babies.

*Bella Dona* (10th)

She is one of the wisest and kindest people I know. She has both been a staunch supporter and chastiser in my world. She transforms into one or the other from time to time, whichever I need the most at that time. And she is among the first to turn 31 in our batch this year. Hehehe! But never you mind, Don. 31 is just a number. What matters is that your heart is in the right place. Right? Right! :D

*Lovely Lola Natang* (25th)

She was my first ally ever since I came out and greeted the world with my annoying baby cries. She was the one who first took care of me when my Mama immediately went back to work after my natal day. And she was always the first to enthusiastically kiss me on the cheek whenever we visited relatives during summers when I was small. I will never tire of her hugs and kisses.

*Pretty Peach* (26th)

She was the one who rescued me during our high school graduation when my typically insensitive father could not even be bothered to buy me some lipstick for the occasion. She rescued me again (from boredom this time) during the whole of our college experience when I didn't really particularly like the school or the people in it. (Yes, yes, I was already a big ranter, even then.) And she never gave up on me even though I know I frustrate her with my childish ways sometimes. (And she is over two months younger than I am, mind you.) Surely, she is one of my personal heroines... and among the most gorgeous brides I ever did see.   

*Cute Cate* (29th)

She is among the cutest little people that I know. She is among the most frustratingly precocious, too. She worries me sometimes. She knows she is pretty and people around her tend to easily forgive her for misdeeds because of it. But she has a good heart, this little one. I just hope and pray that she be blessed always and that she grows up to be a beautiful person both within and without.

Feliz Cumpleaños, my lovelies!

May you gals have all the blessings and good wishes in the world.

I have always declared that I am blessed when it comes to friends and family and declaring it for the umpteenth time may become quite tedious... but I think I could be forgiven for declaring it yet again... I am blessed. And these four beautiful people are "huge neon light-esque" proof of that fact. :D



  1. hahaha! just saw the link Line and THANKS for the cute photo and greeting hehehe...will be following this blog that's for sure



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